1)Ding Sheng-zi Zhang, Yang Jiang, Haiou Yang, Youjie Zhu, Shunjia Zhang, Ying Zhu,Dan Wei1, Ye Lin, PingPing Wang, Qihua Fu, Hong Xu*, Hongchen Gu*, Dual-Encoded Microbeads through a Host-Guest Structure: Enormous, Flexible and Accurate Barcodes for Multiplexed Assays, Advanced Functional Materials, 2016, 26, 6146-6157
2)Ying Zhu, Hong Xu, Kaimin Chen, Jianping Fu and Hongchen Gu*,Encoding through Host/Guest Structure: Construction of Multiplexed Fluorescent Beads,Chemical Communications,23/09/2014; 50(90),14041-14044
3)Yao Wang and Hongchen Gu*,Core–Shell-Type Magnetic Mesoporous Silica Nanocomposites for Bioimaging and Therapeutic Agent Delivery,Advanced Materials, 2015, 27(3):576-585 (高被引论文)
4)Li Lin, Hongchen Gu* and Jian Ye*,Plasmonic multi-shell nanomatryoshka particles as highly tunable SERS tags with built-in reporters,Chemical Communications,12th October 2015,51(100):17740-17743
5)Yijie Chen, Hongchen Gu*, Ding Sheng-Zi Zhang, Fan Li , Tengyuan Liu,Weiliang Xia*,Highly effective inhibition of lung cancer growth and metastasis by systemic delivery of siRNA via multimodal mesoporous silica-based nanocarrier,Biomaterials,December 2014 35(38),10058–10069